It's easy to find reasons to why you can't workout. Believe me, I hear them all the time. I don't have time because of the kids is definitely one of the most common ones with parents. Yes, it's hard and it takes coordination and commitment but it's far from impossible. This past Sunday, we did a fun 10K in Redondo Beach, which was one of the best races I've ever done through the Redondo Beach neighbourhoods. I ran with a double stroller with almost flat tires, which made for an even better workout. Nico, who is 2.5 years old now ran almost 2 miles by himself. He loves running, because he sees his parents running and I really enjoy running with him. Some of the parents that were running with their kids were keeping really impressive times. I need to buy a better baby running stroller so that I can keep up! Definitely the stroller's fault...
I was impressed with Mishel, who got up at 6am on a Sunday morning to go for a 10K run for the second time in her life. Christos Giagos had a great time, 42:42, which is an impressive time. Check him out when he fights for the UFC on April 25th, 2020 (click here)!
If you live in the South Bay, do the run next year by clicking here!
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